The CadQuery Gateway Interface
CadQuery is first and foremost designed as a library, which can be used as a part of any project. In this context, there is no need for a standard script format or gateway API.
Though the embedded use case is the most common, several tools have been created which run cadquery scripts on behalf of the user, and then render the result of the script visually.
These execution environments (EE) generally accept a script and user input values for script parameters, and then display the resulting objects visually to the user.
Today, three execution environments exist:
CQ-editor, which runs scripts inside of a CadQuery IDE, and displays objects in the display window and includes features like debugging.
The cq-directive, which is used to execute scripts inside of sphinx-doc, producing documented examples that include both a script and an SVG representation of the object that results.
The CQGI is distributed with CadQuery, and standardizes the interface between execution environments and CadQuery scripts.
The Script Side
CQGI compliant containers provide an execution environment for scripts. The environment includes:
the cadquery library is automatically imported as 'cq'.
method is defined that should be used to export a shape to the execution environmentthe
method is defined, which can be used by scripts to debug model output during execution.
Scripts must call show_object at least once. Invoking show_object more than once will send multiple objects to the container. An error will occur if the script does not return an object using the show_object() method.
This CQGI compliant script produces a cube with a circle on top, and displays a workplane as well as an intermediate circle as debug output:
base_cube = cq.Workplane("XY").rect(1.0, 1.0).extrude(1.0)
top_of_cube_plane = base_cube.faces(">Z").workplane()
"color": "yellow",
debug(, {"color": "blue"})
circle =
debug(circle, {"color": "red"})
Note that importing cadquery is not required. At the end of this script, one object will be displayed, in addition to a workplane, a point, and a circle
- Future enhancements will include several other methods, used to provide more metadata for the execution environment:
, indicates an error with an input parametercadquery.cqgi.ScriptCallback.describe_parameter()
, provides extra information about a parameter in the script,
The execution environment side
CQGI makes it easy to run cadquery scripts in a standard way. To run a script from an execution environment, run code like this:
from cadquery import cqgi
user_script = ...
build_result = cqgi.parse(user_script).build()
The cadquery.cqgi.parse()
method returns a cadquery.cqgi.CQModel
The metadata`p property of the object contains a `cadquery.cqgi.ScriptMetaData object, which can be used to discover the user parameters available. This is useful if the execution environment would like to present a GUI to allow the user to change the model parameters. Typically, after collecting new values, the environment will supply them in the build() method.
- This code will return a dictionary of parameter values in the model text SCRIPT::
parameters = cqgi.parse(SCRIPT).metadata.parameters
The dictionary you get back is a map where key is the parameter name, and value is an InputParameter object, which has a name, type, and default value.
The type is an object which extends ParameterType-- you can use this to determine what kind of widget to render ( checkbox for boolean, for example ).
The parameter object also has a description, valid values, minimum, and maximum values, if the user has provided them using the describe_parameter() method.
returns a cadquery.cqgi.BuildResult
,which includes the script execution time, and a success flag.
If the script was successful, the results property will include a list of results returned by the script, as well as any debug the script produced
If the script failed, the exception property contains the exception object.
If you have a way to get inputs from a user, you can override any of the constants defined in the user script with new values:
from cadquery import cqgi
user_script = ...
build_result = cqgi.parse(user_script).build(
build_parameters={"param": 2}, build_options={}
If a parameter called 'param' is defined in the model, it will be assigned the value 2 before the script runs. An error will occur if a value is provided that is not defined in the model, or if the value provided cannot be assigned to a variable with the given name.
build_options is used to set server-side settings like timeouts, tessellation tolerances, and other details about how the model should be built.
More about script variables
CQGI uses the following rules to find input variables for a script:
only top-level statements are considered
only assignments of constant values to a local name are considered.
For example, in the following script:
h = 1.0
w = 2.0
foo = "bar"
def some_function():
x = 1
h, w, and foo will be overridable script variables, but x is not.
You can list the variables defined in the model by using the return value of the parse method:
model = cqgi.parse(user_script)
# a dictionary of InputParameter objects
parameters = model.metadata.parameters
The key of the dictionary is a string , and the value is a cadquery.cqgi.InputParameter
See the CQGI API docs for more details.
Future enhancements will include a safer sandbox to prevent malicious scripts.
Automating export to STL
A common use-case for the CQGI is the automation of processing cadquery code into geometry, doing so via the CQGI rather than an export line in the script itself leads to a much tidier environment; you may need to do this as part of an automated-workflow, batch-conversion, exporting to another software for assembly, or running stress simulations on resulting bodies.
The below Python script demonstrates how to open, process, and export an STL file from any valid cadquery script:
# Load CQGI
import cadquery.cqgi as cqgi
import cadquery as cq
# load the cadquery script
model = cqgi.parse(open("").read())
# run the script and store the result (from the show_object call in the script)
build_result =
# test to ensure the process worked.
if build_result.success:
# loop through all the shapes returned and export to STL
for i, result in enumerate(build_result.results):
cq.exporters.export(result.shape, f"example_output{i}.stl")
print(f"BUILD FAILED: {build_result.exception}")
Important CQGI Methods
These are the most important Methods and classes of the CQGI
Parses the script as a model, and returns a model. |
Executes the script, using the optional parameters to override those in the model |
The result of executing a CadQuery script. |
Return an object to the executing environment, with options. |
Complete CQGI API
The CadQuery Gateway Interface. Provides classes and tools for executing CadQuery scripts
- class cadquery.cqgi.BuildResult[ソース]
The result of executing a CadQuery script. The success property contains whether the execution was successful.
If successful, the results property contains a list of all results, and the first_result property contains the first result.
If unsuccessful, the exception property contains a reference to the stack trace that occurred.
- class cadquery.cqgi.CQModel(script_source)[ソース]
Represents a Cadquery Script.
After construction, the metadata property contains a ScriptMetaData object, which describes the model in more detail, and can be used to retrieve the parameters defined by the model.
the build method can be used to generate a 3d model
- build(build_parameters=None, build_options=None)[ソース]
Executes the script, using the optional parameters to override those in the model
- パラメータ:
build_parameters -- a dictionary of variables. The variables must be assignable to the underlying variable type. These variables override default values in the script
build_options -- build options for how to build the model. Build options include things like timeouts, tessellation tolerances, etc
- Raises:
Nothing. If there is an exception, it will be on the exception property of the result. This is the interface so that we can return other information on the result, such as the build time
- 戻り値:
a BuildResult object, which includes the status of the result, and either a resulting shape or an exception
- class cadquery.cqgi.ConstantAssignmentFinder(cq_model)[ソース]
Visits a parse tree, and adds script parameters to the cqModel
- class cadquery.cqgi.EnvironmentBuilder[ソース]
Builds an execution environment for a cadquery script. The environment includes the builtins, as well as the other methods the script will need.
- class cadquery.cqgi.InputParameter[ソース]
Defines a parameter that can be supplied when the model is executed.
Name, varType, and default_value are always available, because they are computed from a variable assignment line of code:
The others are only available if the script has used define_parameter() to provide additional metadata
- default_value
the default value for the variable.
- desc
help text describing the variable. Only available if the script used describe_parameter()
- name
the name of the parameter.
- valid_values
valid values for the variable. Only available if the script used describe_parameter()
- varType
type of the variable: BooleanParameter, StringParameter, NumericParameter
- exception cadquery.cqgi.InvalidParameterError[ソース]
Raised when an attempt is made to provide a new parameter value that cannot be assigned to the model
- exception cadquery.cqgi.NoOutputError[ソース]
Raised when the script does not execute the show_object() method to return a solid
- class cadquery.cqgi.ParameterDescriptionFinder(cq_model)[ソース]
Visits a parse tree, looking for function calls to describe_parameter(var, description )
- class cadquery.cqgi.ScriptCallback[ソース]
Allows a script to communicate with the container the show_object() method is exposed to CQ scripts, to allow them to return objects to the execution environment
- add_error(param, field_list)[ソース]
Not implemented yet: allows scripts to indicate that there are problems with inputs
- exception cadquery.cqgi.ScriptExecutionError(line=None, message=None)[ソース]
Represents a script syntax error. Useful for helping clients pinpoint issues with the script interactively
- class cadquery.cqgi.ScriptMetadata[ソース]
Defines the metadata for a parsed CQ Script. the parameters property is a dict of InputParameter objects.
- class cadquery.cqgi.ShapeResult[ソース]
An object created by a build, including the user parameters provided
- cadquery.cqgi.parse(script_source)[ソース]
Parses the script as a model, and returns a model.
If you would prefer to access the underlying model without building it, for example, to inspect its available parameters, construct a CQModel object.
- パラメータ:
script_source -- the script to run. Must be a valid cadquery script
- 戻り値:
a CQModel object that defines the script and allows execution