Sketch tutorial
The purpose of this section is to demonstrate how to construct sketches using different approaches.
Face-based API
The main approach for constructing sketches is based on constructing faces and combining them using boolean operations.
import cadquery as cq
result = (
.trapezoid(4, 3, 90)
.circle(0.5, mode="s")
.rarray(0.6, 1, 5, 1)
.slot(1.5, 0.4, mode="s", angle=90)
Note that selectors are implemented, but selection has to be explicitly reset. Sketch class does not implement history and all modifications happen in-place.
Every operation from the face API accepts a mode parameter to define
how to combine the created object with existing ones. It can be fused (mode='a'
cut (mode='s'
), intersected (mode='i'
), replaced (mode='r'
or just stored for construction (mode='c'
In the last case, it is mandatory to specify a tag
in order to be able to
refer to the object later on. By default faces are fused together.
Note the usage of the subtractive and additive modes in the example above.
The additional two are demonstrated below.
result = (
.rect(1, 2, mode="c", tag="base")
.edges("|Y", tag="base")
.ellipse(1.2, 1, mode="i")
.rect(2, 2, mode="i")
Edge-based API
If needed, one can construct sketches by placing individual edges.
import cadquery as cq
result = (
.segment((0.0, 0), (0.0, 2.0))
.segment((2.0, 0))
.arc((0.6, 0.6), 0.4, 0.0, 360.0)
.edges("%LINE", tag="face")
Once the construction is finished it has to be converted to the face-based representation
using assemble()
. Afterwards, face based operations can be applied.
Convex hull
The Convex Hull feature is currently experimental.
For certain special use-cases convex hull can be constructed from straight segments and circles.
result = (
.arc((0, 0), 1.0, 0.0, 360.0)
.arc((1, 1.5), 0.5, 0.0, 360.0)
.segment((0.0, 2), (-1, 3.0))
Constraint-based sketches
The 2D Sketch constraints and solver is currently experimental.
Finally, if desired, geometric constraints can be used to construct sketches. So far only line segments and arcs can be used in such a use case.
import cadquery as cq
result = (
.segment((0, 0), (0, 3.0), "s1")
.arc((0.0, 3.0), (1.5, 1.5), (0.0, 0.0), "a1")
.constrain("s1", "Fixed", None)
.constrain("s1", "a1", "Coincident", None)
.constrain("a1", "s1", "Coincident", None)
.constrain("s1", "a1", "Angle", 45)
Following constraints are implemented. Arguments are passed in as one tuple in constrain()
. In this table, 0..1 refers to a float between 0 and 1 where 0 would create a constraint relative to the start of the element, and 1 the end.
Name |
Arity |
Entities |
Arguments |
Description |
FixedPoint |
1 |
All |
None for arc center or 0..1 for point on segment/arc |
Specified point is fixed |
Coincident |
2 |
All |
None |
Specified points coincide |
Angle |
2 |
All |
angle |
Angle between the tangents of the two entities is fixed |
Length |
1 |
All |
length |
Specified entity has fixed length |
Distance |
2 |
All |
None or 0..1, None or 0..1, distance |
Distance between two points is fixed |
Radius |
1 |
Arc |
radius |
Specified entity has a fixed radius |
Orientation |
1 |
Segment |
x,y |
Specified entity is parallel to (x,y) |
ArcAngle |
1 |
Arc |
angle |
Specified entity is fixed angular span |
Workplane integration
Once created, a sketch can be used to construct various features on a workplane.
Supported operations include extrude()
, revolve()
, cutBlind()
, cutThruAll()
and loft()
Sketches can be created as separate entities and reused, but also created ad-hoc in one fluent chain of calls as shown below.
Sketches in-place
Constructing sketches in-place can be accomplished as follows.
import cadquery as cq
result = (
.box(5, 5, 1)
.regularPolygon(2, 3, tag="outer")
.regularPolygon(1.5, 3, mode="s")
Sketch API is available after the sketch()
call and original workplane.
Placing an existing sketch on a workplane
Sometimes it is desired to place an existing sketches as-is on a workplane. This can be done with placeSketch()
import cadquery as cq
s = cq.Sketch().trapezoid(3, 1, 110).vertices().fillet(0.2)
result = (
.box(5, 5, 5)
.transformed((0, 0, -90))
Sketches spanning multiple elements
When multiple elements are selected before constructing the sketch, multiple sketches will be created.
Note that the sketch is placed on all locations that are on the top of the stack.