cadquery.cqgi のソースコード

The CadQuery Gateway Interface.
Provides classes and tools for executing CadQuery scripts
import ast
import traceback
import time
import cadquery

CQSCRIPT = "<cqscript>"

[ドキュメント]def parse(script_source): """ Parses the script as a model, and returns a model. If you would prefer to access the underlying model without building it, for example, to inspect its available parameters, construct a CQModel object. :param script_source: the script to run. Must be a valid cadquery script :return: a CQModel object that defines the script and allows execution """ model = CQModel(script_source) return model
[ドキュメント]class CQModel(object): """ Represents a Cadquery Script. After construction, the metadata property contains a ScriptMetaData object, which describes the model in more detail, and can be used to retrieve the parameters defined by the model. the build method can be used to generate a 3d model """ def __init__(self, script_source): """ Create an object by parsing the supplied python script. :param script_source: a python script to parse """ self.metadata = ScriptMetadata() self.ast_tree = ast.parse(script_source, CQSCRIPT) self.script_source = script_source self._find_vars() # TODO: pick up other script metadata: # describe # pick up validation methods self._find_descriptions() def _find_vars(self): """ Parse the script, and populate variables that appear to be overridable. """ # assumption here: we assume that variable declarations # are only at the top level of the script. IE, we'll ignore any # variable definitions at lower levels of the script # we don't want to use the visit interface because here we explicitly # want to walk only the top level of the tree. assignment_finder = ConstantAssignmentFinder(self.metadata) for node in self.ast_tree.body: if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): assignment_finder.visit_Assign(node) def _find_descriptions(self): description_finder = ParameterDescriptionFinder(self.metadata) description_finder.visit(self.ast_tree)
[ドキュメント] def validate(self, params): """ Determine if the supplied parameters are valid. NOT IMPLEMENTED YET-- raises NotImplementedError :param params: a dictionary of parameters """ raise NotImplementedError("not yet implemented")
[ドキュメント] def build(self, build_parameters=None, build_options=None): """ Executes the script, using the optional parameters to override those in the model :param build_parameters: a dictionary of variables. The variables must be assignable to the underlying variable type. These variables override default values in the script :param build_options: build options for how to build the model. Build options include things like timeouts, tessellation tolerances, etc :raises: Nothing. If there is an exception, it will be on the exception property of the result. This is the interface so that we can return other information on the result, such as the build time :return: a BuildResult object, which includes the status of the result, and either a resulting shape or an exception """ if not build_parameters: build_parameters = {} start = time.perf_counter() result = BuildResult() try: self.set_param_values(build_parameters) collector = ScriptCallback() env = ( EnvironmentBuilder() .with_real_builtins() .with_cadquery_objects() .add_entry("__name__", "__cqgi__") .add_entry("show_object", collector.show_object) .add_entry("debug", collector.debug) .add_entry("describe_parameter", collector.describe_parameter) .build() ) c = compile(self.ast_tree, CQSCRIPT, "exec") exec(c, env) result.set_debug(collector.debugObjects) result.set_success_result(collector.outputObjects) result.env = env except Exception as ex: result.set_failure_result(ex) end = time.perf_counter() result.buildTime = end - start return result
def set_param_values(self, params): model_parameters = self.metadata.parameters for k, v in params.items(): if k not in model_parameters: raise InvalidParameterError( "Cannot set value '%s': not a parameter of the model." % k ) p = model_parameters[k] p.set_value(v)
[ドキュメント]class ShapeResult(object): """ An object created by a build, including the user parameters provided """ def __init__(self): self.shape = None self.options = None
[ドキュメント]class BuildResult(object): """ The result of executing a CadQuery script. The success property contains whether the execution was successful. If successful, the results property contains a list of all results, and the first_result property contains the first result. If unsuccessful, the exception property contains a reference to the stack trace that occurred. """ def __init__(self): self.buildTime = None self.results = [] # list of ShapeResult self.debugObjects = [] # list of ShapeResult self.first_result = None self.success = False self.exception = None def set_failure_result(self, ex): self.exception = ex self.success = False def set_debug(self, debugObjects): self.debugObjects = debugObjects def set_success_result(self, results): self.results = results if len(self.results) > 0: self.first_result = self.results[0] self.success = True
[ドキュメント]class ScriptMetadata(object): """ Defines the metadata for a parsed CQ Script. the parameters property is a dict of InputParameter objects. """ def __init__(self): self.parameters = {} def add_script_parameter(self, p): self.parameters[] = p def add_parameter_description(self, name, description): p = self.parameters[name] p.desc = description
class ParameterType(object): pass class NumberParameterType(ParameterType): pass class StringParameterType(ParameterType): pass class BooleanParameterType(ParameterType): pass class TupleParameterType(ParameterType): pass
[ドキュメント]class InputParameter: """ Defines a parameter that can be supplied when the model is executed. Name, varType, and default_value are always available, because they are computed from a variable assignment line of code: The others are only available if the script has used define_parameter() to provide additional metadata """ def __init__(self): #: the default value for the variable. self.default_value = None #: the name of the parameter. = None #: type of the variable: BooleanParameter, StringParameter, NumericParameter self.varType = None #: help text describing the variable. Only available if the script used describe_parameter() self.desc = None #: valid values for the variable. Only available if the script used describe_parameter() self.valid_values = [] self.ast_node = None @staticmethod def create( ast_node, var_name, var_type, default_value, valid_values=None, desc=None ): if valid_values is None: valid_values = [] p = InputParameter() p.ast_node = ast_node p.default_value = default_value = var_name p.desc = desc p.varType = var_type p.valid_values = valid_values return p def set_value(self, new_value): if len(self.valid_values) > 0 and new_value not in self.valid_values: raise InvalidParameterError( "Cannot set value '{0:s}' for parameter '{1:s}': not a valid value. Valid values are {2:s} ".format( str(new_value),, str(self.valid_values) ) ) if self.varType == NumberParameterType: try: # Sometimes a value must stay as an int for the script to work properly if isinstance(new_value, int): f = int(new_value) else: f = float(new_value) self.ast_node.n = f except ValueError: raise InvalidParameterError( "Cannot set value '{0:s}' for parameter '{1:s}': parameter must be numeric.".format( str(new_value), ) ) elif self.varType == StringParameterType: self.ast_node.s = str(new_value) elif self.varType == BooleanParameterType: if new_value: if hasattr(ast, "NameConstant"): self.ast_node.value = True else: = "True" else: if hasattr(ast, "NameConstant"): self.ast_node.value = False else: = "False" elif self.varType == TupleParameterType: self.ast_node.n = new_value # Build the list of constants to set as the tuple value constants = [] for nv in new_value: constants.append(ast.Constant(value=nv)) self.ast_node.elts = constants ast.fix_missing_locations(self.ast_node) else: raise ValueError("Unknown Type of var: ", str(self.varType)) def __str__(self): return "InputParameter: {name=%s, type=%s, defaultValue=%s" % (, str(self.varType), str(self.default_value), )
[ドキュメント]class ScriptCallback(object): """ Allows a script to communicate with the container the show_object() method is exposed to CQ scripts, to allow them to return objects to the execution environment """ def __init__(self): self.outputObjects = [] self.debugObjects = []
[ドキュメント] def show_object(self, shape, options={}, **kwargs): """ Return an object to the executing environment, with options. :param shape: a cadquery object :param options: a dictionary of options that will be made available to the executing environment """ options.update(kwargs) o = ShapeResult() o.options = options o.shape = shape self.outputObjects.append(o)
[ドキュメント] def debug(self, obj, args={}): """ Debug print/output an object, with optional arguments. """ s = ShapeResult() s.shape = obj s.options = args self.debugObjects.append(s)
[ドキュメント] def describe_parameter(self, var_data): """ Do Nothing-- we parsed the ast ahead of execution to get what we need. """ pass
[ドキュメント] def add_error(self, param, field_list): """ Not implemented yet: allows scripts to indicate that there are problems with inputs """ pass
def has_results(self): return len(self.outputObjects) > 0
[ドキュメント]class InvalidParameterError(Exception): """ Raised when an attempt is made to provide a new parameter value that cannot be assigned to the model """ pass
[ドキュメント]class NoOutputError(Exception): """ Raised when the script does not execute the show_object() method to return a solid """ pass
[ドキュメント]class ScriptExecutionError(Exception): """ Represents a script syntax error. Useful for helping clients pinpoint issues with the script interactively """ def __init__(self, line=None, message=None): if line is None: self.line = 0 else: self.line = line if message is None: self.message = "Unknown Script Error" else: self.message = message def full_message(self): return self.__repr__() def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return "ScriptError [Line %s]: %s" % (self.line, self.message)
[ドキュメント]class EnvironmentBuilder(object): """ Builds an execution environment for a cadquery script. The environment includes the builtins, as well as the other methods the script will need. """ def __init__(self): self.env = {} def with_real_builtins(self): return self.with_builtins(__builtins__) def with_builtins(self, env_dict): self.env["__builtins__"] = env_dict return self def with_cadquery_objects(self): self.env["cadquery"] = cadquery self.env["cq"] = cadquery return self def add_entry(self, name, value): self.env[name] = value return self def build(self): return self.env
[ドキュメント]class ParameterDescriptionFinder(ast.NodeTransformer): """ Visits a parse tree, looking for function calls to describe_parameter(var, description ) """ def __init__(self, cq_model): self.cqModel = cq_model
[ドキュメント] def visit_Call(self, node): """ Called when we see a function call. Is it describe_parameter? """ try: if == "describe_parameter": # looks like we have a call to our function. # first parameter is the variable, # second is the description varname = node.args[0].id desc = node.args[1].s self.cqModel.add_parameter_description(varname, desc) except: # print "Unable to handle function call" pass return node
[ドキュメント]class ConstantAssignmentFinder(ast.NodeTransformer): """ Visits a parse tree, and adds script parameters to the cqModel """ def __init__(self, cq_model): self.cqModel = cq_model def handle_assignment(self, var_name, value_node): try: if type(value_node) == ast.Num: self.cqModel.add_script_parameter( InputParameter.create( value_node, var_name, NumberParameterType, value_node.n ) ) elif type(value_node) == ast.Str: self.cqModel.add_script_parameter( InputParameter.create( value_node, var_name, StringParameterType, value_node.s ) ) elif type(value_node) == ast.Name: if == "True": self.cqModel.add_script_parameter( InputParameter.create( value_node, var_name, BooleanParameterType, True ) ) elif == "False": self.cqModel.add_script_parameter( InputParameter.create( value_node, var_name, BooleanParameterType, False ) ) elif type(value_node) == ast.Tuple: # Handle multi-length tuples tup = () for entry in value_node.elts: tup = tup + (entry.value,) self.cqModel.add_script_parameter( InputParameter.create( value_node, var_name, TupleParameterType, tup, ) ) elif hasattr(ast, "NameConstant") and type(value_node) == ast.NameConstant: if value_node.value == True: self.cqModel.add_script_parameter( InputParameter.create( value_node, var_name, BooleanParameterType, True ) ) else: self.cqModel.add_script_parameter( InputParameter.create( value_node, var_name, BooleanParameterType, False ) ) elif hasattr(ast, "Constant") and type(value_node) == ast.Constant: type_dict = { bool: BooleanParameterType, str: StringParameterType, float: NumberParameterType, int: NumberParameterType, tuple: TupleParameterType, } self.cqModel.add_script_parameter( InputParameter.create( value_node, var_name, type_dict[type(value_node.value)], value_node.value, ) ) except: print("Unable to handle assignment for variable '%s'" % var_name) pass def visit_Assign(self, node): try: left_side = node.targets[0] # do not handle attribute assignments if isinstance(left_side, ast.Attribute): return # Handle the NamedConstant type that is only present in Python 3 astTypes = [ast.Num, ast.Str, ast.Name] if hasattr(ast, "NameConstant"): astTypes.append(ast.NameConstant) if hasattr(ast, "Constant"): astTypes.append(ast.Constant) if type(node.value) in astTypes: self.handle_assignment(, node.value) elif type(node.value) == ast.Tuple: if isinstance(left_side, ast.Name): self.handle_assignment(, node.value) else: # we have a multi-value assignment for n, v in zip(left_side.elts, node.value.elts): self.handle_assignment(, v) except: traceback.print_exc() print("Unable to handle assignment for node '%s'" % ast.dump(left_side)) return node