To install both Cadquery and CQ-Editor together with a single installer see the instructions below Adding a Nicer GUI via CQ-editor.
CadQuery may be installed with either conda or pip. The conda installation method is the better tested and more mature option.
Install via conda
Begin by installing the conda package manager. If conda is already installed skip to conda.
Install the Conda Package Manager
In principle, any Conda distribution will work, but it is probably best to install Miniforge to a local directory and to avoid running conda init. After performing a local directory installation, Miniforge can be activated via the [scripts,bin]/activate scripts. This will help avoid polluting and breaking the local Python installation.
Miniforge is a minimal installer that sets conda-forge as the default channel for package installation and provides mamba. You can swap almost all commands between conda & mamba.
In Linux/MacOS, the local directory installation method looks something like this:
# Install to ~/miniforge
curl -L -o "$(uname)-$(uname -m).sh"
bash -b -p $HOME/miniforge
# Activate
source $HOME/miniforge/bin/activate
On Windows, download the installer and double click it on the file browser or install non-interactively as follows:
:: Install to %USERPROFILE%\Miniforge
curl -L -o miniforge.exe
start "" /wait miniforge.exe /InstallationType=JustMe /RegisterPython=0 /NoRegistry=1 /NoScripts=1 /S /D=%USERPROFILE%\Miniforge
:: Activate
cmd /K ""%USERPROFILE%/Miniforge/Scripts/activate.bat" "%USERPROFILE%/Miniforge""
# Install to $env:USERPROFILE\Miniforge
curl.exe -L -o miniforge.exe
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath miniforge.exe -ArgumentList @("/InstallationType=JustMe", "/RegisterPython=0", "/NoRegistry=1", "/NoScripts=1", "/S", "/D=$env:USERPROFILE\Miniforge")
# Activate
. $env:USERPROFILE\Miniforge\shell\condabin\conda-hook.ps1
conda activate
After conda installation, create and activate a new conda environment to prepare for cadquery installation.
mamba install
is recommended over conda install
for faster and less memory intensive cadquery installation.
Install the latest released version of cadquery:
conda create -n cq
conda activate cq
mamba install cadquery
or install a given version of cadquery [1]:
conda create -n cq231
conda activate cq231
mamba install cadquery=2.3.1
or install the latest dev version:
conda create -n cqdev
conda activate cqdev
mamba install -c cadquery cadquery=master
Add the conda-forge channel explicitly to the install command if needed (not using a miniforge based conda distribution).
Install via pip
CadQuery can be installed via pip on Linux, MacOS and Windows. Python versions 3.9 and newer are supported by CadQuery, however a bleeding-edge Python installation may be broken due to lagging support in CadQuery's complex set of dependencies. If the pip installation method does not work for your system, you can try the conda installation method above.
It is highly recommended that a virtual environment is used when installing CadQuery, although it is not strictly required. Installing CadQuery via pip requires an up-to-date version of pip, which can be obtained with the following command line (or a slight variation thereof).:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
Once a current version of pip is installed, CadQuery can be installed using the following command line.:
pip install cadquery
It is also possible to install the very latest changes directly from CadQuery's GitHub repository, with the understanding that sometimes breaking changes can occur. To install from the git repository, run the following command line.:
pip install git+
You should now have a working CadQuery installation, but developers or users who want to use CadQuery with IPython/Jupyter or to set up a developer environment can read the rest of this section.
If you are installing CadQuery to use with IPython/Jupyter, you may want to run the following command line to install the extra dependencies.:
pip install cadquery[ipython]
If you want to create a developer setup to contribute to CadQuery, the following command line will install all the development dependencies that are needed.:
pip install cadquery[dev]
GUIを使用したい場合は、 CQ-editor を使用することをお勧めします。
You can download the newest build here. Install and run the (Linux/MacOS) or run.bat (Windows) script in the root CQ-editor directory. The CQ-editor window should launch.
Download the installer (.sh script matching OS and platform).
Select the script in the file browser and make executable. Choose Properties from the context menu and select Permissions, Allow executing file as a program (or similar, this step varies depending on OS and window manager).
Select the script in the file browser and choose Run as Program (or similar).
Follow the prompts to accept the license and optionally change the installation location.
The default installation location is
.Launch the script from the file brower (again make executable first and then run as program).
To install from command line, download the installer using curl or wget or your favorite program and run the script.:
curl -LO
To run from command.:
Download the installer (.exe) and double click it on the file browser.
Follow the prompts to accept the license and optionally change the installation location.
The default installation location is
.Launch the run.bat script from the file brower (select Open).
To run from command line, activate the environment, then run cq-editor:
Installing extra packages
mamba, and pip are bundled with the CQ-editor installer and available for package installation.
First activate the environment, then call mamba or pip to install additional packages.
On windows.:
mamba install <packagename>
On Linux/MacOS.:
source $HOME/cq-editor/bin/activate
mamba install <packagename>
Adding CQ-editor to an Existing Environment
You can install CQ-editor into a conda environment or Python virtual environment using conda (mamba) or pip.
Example cq-editor installation with conda (this installs both cadquery and cq-editor):
conda create -n cqdev
conda activate cqdev
mamba install -c cadquery cq-editor=master
Example cq-editor installation with pip:
pip install PyQt5 spyder pyqtgraph logbook
pip install git+
Viewing models in Jupyter is another good option for a GUI. Models are rendered in the browser.
The cadquery library works out-of-the-box with Jupyter. First install cadquery, then install JupyterLab in the same conda or Python venv.:
mamba install jupyterlab
pip install jupyterlab
Start JupyterLab:
jupyter lab
JupyterLab will open automatically in your browser. Create a Notebook to interactively edit/view CadQuery models.
Call display
to show the model.:
display(<Workplane, Shape, or Assembly object>)
If all has gone well, you can open a command line/prompt, and type:
$ python
>>> import cadquery
>>> cadquery.Workplane('XY').box(1,2,3).toSvg()