cadquery.assembly のソースコード

from functools import reduce
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import Literal
from typish import instance_of
from uuid import uuid1 as uuid

from .cq import Workplane
from .occ_impl.shapes import Shape, Compound
from .occ_impl.geom import Location
from .occ_impl.assembly import Color
from .occ_impl.solver import (
    ConstraintSpec as Constraint,
from .occ_impl.exporters.assembly import (

from .selectors import _expression_grammar as _selector_grammar

# type definitions
AssemblyObjects = Union[Shape, Workplane, None]
ExportLiterals = Literal["STEP", "XML", "GLTF", "VTKJS", "VRML", "STL"]


# entity selector grammar definition
def _define_grammar():

    from pyparsing import (
        Literal as Literal,

    Separator = Literal("@").suppress()
    TagSeparator = Literal("?").suppress()

    Name = delimitedList(
        Word(alphas, alphanums + "_"), PATH_DELIM, combine=True
    Tag = Word(alphas, alphanums + "_").setResultsName("tag")
    Selector = _selector_grammar.setResultsName("selector")

    SelectorType = (
        Literal("solids") | Literal("faces") | Literal("edges") | Literal("vertices")

    return (
        + Optional(TagSeparator + Tag)
        + Optional(Separator + SelectorType + Separator + Selector)

_grammar = _define_grammar()

[ドキュメント]class Assembly(object): """Nested assembly of Workplane and Shape objects defining their relative positions.""" loc: Location name: str color: Optional[Color] metadata: Dict[str, Any] obj: AssemblyObjects parent: Optional["Assembly"] children: List["Assembly"] objects: Dict[str, "Assembly"] constraints: List[Constraint] _solve_result: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]
[ドキュメント] def __init__( self, obj: AssemblyObjects = None, loc: Optional[Location] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[Color] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """ construct an assembly :param obj: root object of the assembly (default: None) :param loc: location of the root object (default: None, interpreted as identity transformation) :param name: unique name of the root object (default: None, resulting in an UUID being generated) :param color: color of the added object (default: None) :param metadata: a store for user-defined metadata (default: None) :return: An Assembly object. To create an empty assembly use:: assy = Assembly(None) To create one constraint a root object:: b = Workplane().box(1, 1, 1) assy = Assembly(b, Location(Vector(0, 0, 1)), name="root") """ self.obj = obj self.loc = loc if loc else Location() = name if name else str(uuid()) self.color = color if color else None self.metadata = metadata if metadata else {} self.parent = None self.children = [] self.constraints = [] self.objects = { self} self._solve_result = None
def _copy(self) -> "Assembly": """ Make a deep copy of an assembly """ rv = self.__class__(self.obj, self.loc,, self.color, self.metadata) for ch in self.children: ch_copy = ch._copy() ch_copy.parent = rv rv.children.append(ch_copy) rv.objects[] = ch_copy rv.objects.update(ch_copy.objects) return rv @overload def add( self, obj: "Assembly", loc: Optional[Location] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[Color] = None, ) -> "Assembly": """ Add a subassembly to the current assembly. :param obj: subassembly to be added :param loc: location of the root object (default: None, resulting in the location stored in the subassembly being used) :param name: unique name of the root object (default: None, resulting in the name stored in the subassembly being used) :param color: color of the added object (default: None, resulting in the color stored in the subassembly being used) """ ... @overload def add( self, obj: AssemblyObjects, loc: Optional[Location] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[Color] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> "Assembly": """ Add a subassembly to the current assembly with explicit location and name. :param obj: object to be added as a subassembly :param loc: location of the root object (default: None, interpreted as identity transformation) :param name: unique name of the root object (default: None, resulting in an UUID being generated) :param color: color of the added object (default: None) :param metadata: a store for user-defined metadata (default: None) """ ...
[ドキュメント] def add(self, arg, **kwargs): """ Add a subassembly to the current assembly. """ if isinstance(arg, Assembly): # enforce unique names name = kwargs["name"] if kwargs.get("name") else if name in self.objects: raise ValueError("Unique name is required") subassy = arg._copy() subassy.loc = kwargs["loc"] if kwargs.get("loc") else arg.loc = kwargs["name"] if kwargs.get("name") else subassy.color = kwargs["color"] if kwargs.get("color") else arg.color subassy.metadata = ( kwargs["metadata"] if kwargs.get("metadata") else arg.metadata ) subassy.parent = self self.children.append(subassy) self.objects.update(subassy._flatten()) else: assy = self.__class__(arg, **kwargs) assy.parent = self self.add(assy) return self
def _query(self, q: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[Shape]]: """ Execute a selector query on the assembly. The query is expected to be in the following format: name[?tag][@kind@args] valid example include: obj_name @ faces @ >Z obj_name?tag1@faces@>Z obj_name ? tag obj_name """ tmp: Workplane res: Workplane query = _grammar.parseString(q, True) name: str = obj = self.objects[name].obj if isinstance(obj, Workplane) and query.tag: tmp = obj._getTagged(query.tag) elif isinstance(obj, (Workplane, Shape)): tmp = Workplane().add(obj) else: raise ValueError("Workplane or Shape required to define a constraint") if query.selector: res = getattr(tmp, query.selector_kind)(query.selector) else: res = tmp val = res.val() return name, val if isinstance(val, Shape) else None def _subloc(self, name: str) -> Tuple[Location, str]: """ Calculate relative location of an object in a subassembly. Returns the relative positions as well as the name of the top assembly. """ rv = Location() obj = self.objects[name] name_out = name if obj not in self.children and obj is not self: locs = [] while not obj.parent is self: locs.append(obj.loc) obj = cast(Assembly, obj.parent) name_out = rv = reduce(lambda l1, l2: l1 * l2, locs) return (rv, name_out) @overload def constrain( self, q1: str, q2: str, kind: ConstraintKind, param: Any = None ) -> "Assembly": ... @overload def constrain(self, q1: str, kind: ConstraintKind, param: Any = None) -> "Assembly": ... @overload def constrain( self, id1: str, s1: Shape, id2: str, s2: Shape, kind: ConstraintKind, param: Any = None, ) -> "Assembly": ... @overload def constrain( self, id1: str, s1: Shape, kind: ConstraintKind, param: Any = None, ) -> "Assembly": ...
[ドキュメント] def constrain(self, *args, param=None): """ Define a new constraint. """ # dispatch on arguments if len(args) == 2: q1, kind = args id1, s1 = self._query(q1) elif len(args) == 3 and instance_of(args[1], UnaryConstraintKind): q1, kind, param = args id1, s1 = self._query(q1) elif len(args) == 3: q1, q2, kind = args id1, s1 = self._query(q1) id2, s2 = self._query(q2) elif len(args) == 4: q1, q2, kind, param = args id1, s1 = self._query(q1) id2, s2 = self._query(q2) elif len(args) == 5: id1, s1, id2, s2, kind = args elif len(args) == 6: id1, s1, id2, s2, kind, param = args else: raise ValueError(f"Incompatible arguments: {args}") # handle unary and binary constraints if instance_of(kind, UnaryConstraintKind): loc1, id1_top = self._subloc(id1) c = Constraint((id1_top,), (s1,), (loc1,), kind, param) elif instance_of(kind, BinaryConstraintKind): loc1, id1_top = self._subloc(id1) loc2, id2_top = self._subloc(id2) c = Constraint((id1_top, id2_top), (s1, s2), (loc1, loc2), kind, param) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown constraint: {kind}") self.constraints.append(c) return self
[ドキュメント] def solve(self, verbosity: int = 0) -> "Assembly": """ Solve the constraints. """ # Get all entities and number them. First entity is marked as locked ents = {} i = 0 locked: List[int] = [] for c in self.constraints: for name in c.objects: if name not in ents: ents[name] = i i += 1 if (c.kind == "Fixed" or name == and ents[ name ] not in locked: locked.append(ents[name]) # Lock the first occurring entity if needed. if not locked: unary_objects = [ c.objects[0] for c in self.constraints if instance_of(c.kind, UnaryConstraintKind) ] binary_objects = [ c.objects[0] for c in self.constraints if instance_of(c.kind, BinaryConstraintKind) ] for b in binary_objects: if b not in unary_objects: locked.append(ents[b]) break # Lock the first occurring entity if needed. if not locked: locked.append(0) locs = [self.objects[n].loc for n in ents] # construct the constraint mapping constraints = [] for c in self.constraints: ixs = tuple(ents[obj] for obj in c.objects) pods = c.toPODs() for pod in pods: constraints.append((ixs, pod)) # check if any constraints were specified if not constraints: raise ValueError("At least one constraint required") # check if at least two entities are present if len(ents) < 2: raise ValueError("At least two entities need to be constrained") # instantiate the solver scale = self.toCompound().BoundingBox().DiagonalLength solver = ConstraintSolver(locs, constraints, locked=locked, scale=scale) # solve locs_new, self._solve_result = solver.solve(verbosity) # update positions # find the inverse root loc loc_root_inv = Location() if self.obj: for loc_new, n in zip(locs_new, ents): if n == loc_root_inv = loc_new.inverse break # update the positions for loc_new, n in zip(locs_new, ents): if n != self.objects[n].loc = loc_root_inv * loc_new return self
[ドキュメント] def save( self, path: str, exportType: Optional[ExportLiterals] = None, mode: STEPExportModeLiterals = "default", tolerance: float = 0.1, angularTolerance: float = 0.1, **kwargs, ) -> "Assembly": """ Save assembly to a file. :param path: Path and filename for writing. :param exportType: export format (default: None, results in format being inferred form the path) :param mode: STEP only - See :meth:`~cadquery.occ_impl.exporters.assembly.exportAssembly`. :param tolerance: the deflection tolerance, in model units. Only used for glTF, VRML. Default 0.1. :param angularTolerance: the angular tolerance, in radians. Only used for glTF, VRML. Default 0.1. :param \\**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Only used for STEP, glTF and STL. See :meth:`~cadquery.occ_impl.exporters.assembly.exportAssembly`. :param ascii: STL only - Sets whether or not STL export should be text or binary :type ascii: bool """ # Make sure the export mode setting is correct if mode not in get_args(STEPExportModeLiterals): raise ValueError(f"Unknown assembly export mode {mode} for STEP") if exportType is None: t = path.split(".")[-1].upper() if t in ("STEP", "XML", "VRML", "VTKJS", "GLTF", "GLB", "STL"): exportType = cast(ExportLiterals, t) else: raise ValueError("Unknown extension, specify export type explicitly") if exportType == "STEP": exportAssembly(self, path, mode, **kwargs) elif exportType == "XML": exportCAF(self, path) elif exportType == "VRML": exportVRML(self, path, tolerance, angularTolerance) elif exportType == "GLTF" or exportType == "GLB": exportGLTF(self, path, None, tolerance, angularTolerance) elif exportType == "VTKJS": exportVTKJS(self, path) elif exportType == "STL": # Handle the ascii setting for STL export export_ascii = False if "ascii" in kwargs: export_ascii = bool(kwargs.get("ascii")) self.toCompound().exportStl(path, tolerance, angularTolerance, export_ascii) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown format: {exportType}") return self
@classmethod def load(cls, path: str) -> "Assembly": raise NotImplementedError @property def shapes(self) -> List[Shape]: """ List of Shape objects in the .obj field """ rv: List[Shape] = [] if isinstance(self.obj, Shape): rv = [self.obj] elif isinstance(self.obj, Workplane): rv = [el for el in self.obj.vals() if isinstance(el, Shape)] return rv
[ドキュメント] def traverse(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, "Assembly"]]: """ Yield (name, child) pairs in a bottom-up manner """ for ch in self.children: for el in ch.traverse(): yield el yield (, self)
def _flatten(self, parents=[]): """ Generate a dict with all ancestors with keys indicating parent-child relations. """ rv = {} for ch in self.children: rv.update(ch._flatten(parents=parents + [])) rv[PATH_DELIM.join(parents + [])] = self return rv
[ドキュメント] def __iter__( self, loc: Optional[Location] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, color: Optional[Color] = None, ) -> Iterator[Tuple[Shape, str, Location, Optional[Color]]]: """ Assembly iterator yielding shapes, names, locations and colors. """ name = f"{name}/{}" if name else loc = loc * self.loc if loc else self.loc color = self.color if self.color else color if self.obj: yield self.obj if isinstance(self.obj, Shape) else Compound.makeCompound( s for s in self.obj.vals() if isinstance(s, Shape) ), name, loc, color for ch in self.children: yield from ch.__iter__(loc, name, color)
[ドキュメント] def toCompound(self) -> Compound: """ Returns a Compound made from this Assembly (including all children) with the current Locations applied. Usually this method would only be used after solving. """ shapes = self.shapes shapes.extend((child.toCompound() for child in self.children)) return Compound.makeCompound(shapes).locate(self.loc)
def _repr_javascript_(self): """ Jupyter 3D representation support """ from .occ_impl.jupyter_tools import display return display(self)._repr_javascript_()